Jurnalın təsisçiləri
Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası Īnstitutu «Elm və təhsil» nəşriyyatı.


Nadir Mammadli

Ogtay Jalilbayli, Maryam Khojanazarzada
Comparative study of onomatopoetic lexicons in Azerbaijani and Japanese languages…………11

Aliya Adilova
Evaluation of the marketing activity of the enterprise according to the theory of fuzzy sets................................................................19

Irada Sardarova
Simple sentences with actants in modern English………26

Nigar Bagyrzade
Issues of protection of information systems…………….33

Aytac Yolchuyeva
The importance of developing reading skills in education…40

Gunel Alieva
On the formftion of oral speech in foreign  language classes….46

Irada Rasuli
Problems of  national character in XX th century Azerbaijani literature…………………………..……52

A Gadimova
Heydar Aliyev’s great concem  for his mother tongue…….58

Malak Mukhtarova
Exposing androcentrism in gender linguistics and its impact on modern English-language newspaper discourse (taking into account figurative linguistic elements)..............................................................65

Gulhayat Abdullayeva
Short stories on vocabulary learning……………….74

Ibrahim Elsayed
Arabic borrowings in Azerbaijani toponymy……………82

Rugayya Muradli
Linguistic analysis based on saund,letter and phoneme………………………………………………………90

Sama Valiyeva
Tense forms in the language of electronic media: norms and deviations…………………………………………………………………96

Roya Kahramanova
Grammatical signs of case category in ancient turkic words dialectal nature……………………………………………………103

Sedreddin Hüseyn
Linguistic and poetic features of "The Book of Dede Gorgud" (Kitabi Dada Qorqud) at the phonetic level………………………110

Nishana Kerimova
Structural features of negation prefixes in English and Azerbaijani…………………………………………………………………119

Gular Hasanova
Teaching of grammatical formation of   oral speech in a foreign language…………………………………………………………………126

Farida Mikayilova
Universal values in the creation of M.Fuzuli…………136

Elnara Abdullayeva
Theories of language in the middle ages……………142

Sayyara Guliyeva
The forming of English literary texts and semantics of components of sentence………………………………………148

Telli Aliyeva
Specificity of components of artistic speech in enlightenment-realist prose of the beginning of the 20th century…………………………155

Arzu Husseynova, Ruxsara Aliyeva, Tavagul Javadova
Functions of  past participle…………………………………………………………………162

Irada Ahmadova, Khatun Aliyeva
Folklore and ways of development…169

Elnura Guliyeva, Aida Bakhshaliyeva
Asynchronous and synchronous learning in distant education………………………………………………176

Naiza Salmanova, Aybaniz Heydarova, Irada Tahirova
Borrowed words in English…………………………………………………………………182

Sevinj Hassanzadeh
Translation and the art of  translation»……………189

Sevinj  Isaeva, Aygun Gulieva
Lingvodidactical description Russian language………………………………………………………196

Shalale Mammadova
The structure problems of homonymy and polysemy in modern English……………………………………………………203

Gunay Azizova
The ways  of  usage of  modern approaches in  Foreign Language Teaching……………………………………………………210

Sevinj Azizova
The methodology of using audio and video materials   in ELT……………………………………………………216 

Ulkar Imanova
The  ways  of using  communicative activities in developing oral speech in ELT……………………………………………………222

Aynur Mammadova
Core methods of research in cognitive linguistics…228

Turksel Mirzayev
Number and adverb in Divani Lügat-it-Turkish work direct artists…………………………………………………………………234

Emma Seidova
Features of word creation in the language……………240

Maryam Abdullayeva
Legal discourse as a type of discourse……………248

Aysel Aghamaliyeva
The expression of the category of age in a language…254

Kemale Imanova
Gender-specific linguistic differences………………261

Aynur Mammadova
The role of writing in teaching a foreign language…269
Nasirli Gulkhanim
Use of technical terms in Azerbaijan and English languages…………………………………………………………………278

Elnara Rafiyeva
Language and its role in society…………………………286

Aytemiz Abbasova
Analysis of impoliteness in family conversations……294

Saadat Alizade (Badalova)
The place of ideal language conception in philosophical approaches………………………………………303

Elnura Rajabova
Strategies for learning vocabulary and its classifications………………………………………………………………308

Sakina Aliyeva
Comparative analysis of some words commonly used with Turkish Turkish in Goycha dialects (based on examples of Göcha Ashik's creativity)…………………………………………………………………316

Zemfira Mamedova, Valide Abiyeva, Afet Safixanova
New methods used in teaching English grammar………………………………………………321

Jasmine Velikhanova
Myth and reality in the works of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien……………………………………………………328

Turksel Mirzayev
Unproductive artists in “Divani Lügat-it-Turk”……334

Turkan Ibadova
Gender varieties and their reflection in the Paremio-phraseology of the Russian language……………342

Leman Akhundova, Ayten Gadjieva
Method and method of teaching grammar material in modern English Language about methods……………349

Valide Abiyeva, Afet Safixanova
The role of mass media expanding the vocabulary of the English language…………………………356

Konul Abdulrahimova
Functional Analysis of Qualitative and Comparative Syntaxemes in English Proverbs………………………………………362

Afat Safikhanova, Aygun Alganova, Jala Alganova
Using different language skills teaching English language………………………………………369

Aybaniz Gadashova
Bilingualism: Pros and cons…………………………375

Naila Yusifova
The classification of Azerbaijan toponyms……………382

Rabiye Suleymanli
The effect of motivation on students’ English language learning process at higher institutions…………………………391

Azer Osmanli
Rhyme and radif system in Ruhi Baghdadi’s Divan ……399

Seyyare Qahramanova, Sevinj   Rahmanova
The principle of considering individual characteristics in foreign language teaching………………..408

Gunel Jafarli
Teaching ways of transcription ,vowel and consonat systems...415

Chinara Ahmedova
Pottery of the necropolis of Demirchi (Shamakhi region)……………………………………………………422

Aytaj Hajiyeva
Charles dickens “A tale of two cities”……………………429

Fidan Alizadeh
The place and role of the genres of ashug poetry in Azerbaijani lyrics of the 18th century…………………………434

Nazila Rahimova
The guardian of our national values - Heydar Aliyev....442

Narmin Novruzova
Knight Theme in Eastern and Western Literature (Based on the novels of Chretien De Trouis and "Khamsa" by Nizami Ganjavi)………………………………………447

Vusala Nabiyeva
Controversial issues about the nationality of the historical legendary figure of English literature King Arthur………………………456

Gulnar Guliyeva
Color shades created in the description of the night in Khagani's poems……………………………………………………465

Miryagub Seyidov
A review of the manuscript copy of the Sihahul-Furs  dictionary belonging to the Istanbul Süleymaniye Lib (Halet Efendi Collection)……………477                                                                                         

Farida Mikayilova
Universal values in the creation of M. Fuzuli………482

Matanat Mustafayeva
In the play "The sword that cuts ourselves" by Bakhtiyar Vahabzade ("The Goyturks") classical literary and historical manifestations………………………………………488

Khariga Huseynova
Love in Füzuli's poetry and characteristics of beauty…………………………………………495

Sariyya Nazarova
Image of fugitive Karam…………………………502

Narmin Guliyeva
Organizational experience of the vocational education system of developed countries………………………………………510

Togrul Mammadov
Analysis of organizational characteristics of social media marketing in banks………………………………………516

Aynura Hashimova
Ancient and early medieval sculpture examples of Caucasian Albania……………………………………………………521

Akram Hasanov
The theme of nature and human unity in Azerbaijan lyric poetry from tradition to modernity………………………………………530

Amina Mahmudlu
Who is Molla Abbas created by Ismayil Bey Gaspirali?……………………………………………………539                              
Ayten Gahraman
The role of the ideological matrix in the understanding of "Foreign" culture……………………………………………………547

Turan Teymurov
M. Auezov as a researcher of the "Manas" epos……………557