Jurnalın təsisçiləri
Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası Īnstitutu «Elm və təhsil» nəşriyyatı.


Saida Abbasova.
Functional characteristic of academic communication...............3

Konul Abdurehmanova.
Code-Switching between English, Azerbaijani, and Russian:  A comprehensive study...............10

Sevda Aghayeva.
Romanticism in English literature...............16

Chinara Shahbazli.
Communication system...............23

Narmin Mammadli.
Expressing qualitative semantics at the syntactic level...............29

Gunel Ramazanova.
About the formation of English ethnonyms.............39

Aytan Ibrahimova.
Investigation history of borrowings...................46

Sevda Khalilova.
Methods of studying different aspects in language teaching  and their importance....................52

Nushaba Ismayilova.
Principles of teaching vocabulary in a foreign language………..58

Sevda Novruzaliyeva.
The priority of daydreaming in official-business communication.........64

Fatma Agayeva.
The reflection of psycholinguistic features in written speech……72

Gunel Rustamova, Elvina Gulamova.
The organization of clerical work and its types……………77

Nurane Karimova.
Types of word formation in contemporary English……83

Khalida  Asgarova.
A subordinate complex sentence in "Kitabi - Deda Gorgud" epics…………..88

Ayten Islamli.
Linguistic analysis of phytonyms and ways of their formation…..95

Lalanzar Muradli.
Modern methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages at higher education institutions………………104

Gunel Mehdizadeh.
Stages of introduction of anglicisms into modern Azerbaijani language and their assimilation…..111

Nigar Mirzayeva, Ayten Jafarova.
Basic elements of a French Phrase............119

Yegane Garashova.
Functional semantic analysis of modal verbs in German…125

Salman Süleymanov.
The role of aruz of Arabic lexical units in the literary  language of Azerbaijan…………………..135

Leyla Mammadova.
The importance of interactive learning...145

Arzu Bayramova.
Syntactic relations and their dialectal features in Agbaba- Shoreyel dialect................151

Sarkhan Jafarov.
The Role of Intonation in Parenthetical Sentences: A Comparative Analysis in English….157

Sevinj Talibova.
The onomastic lexicon of the Azerbaijani language (anthroponyms) during the years of independence............165

Malak Mukhtarova.
Expression of gender asymmetry in English-language newspaper discourse through elements of figurative language…173

Arzu Huseynli.
Artificial intelligence’s role in synonym choice.....182

Vafa Baghirzade.
The subjunctive mood in french and its use cases in Relative Clauses (on materials of French and Azerbaijani languages)...............187

Ulviya Hakimova-Aydin.
Antonymy in legal terminology (on materials of Azerbaijani and French languages)....196

Malahat Samadova.
Concepts are forms of expression of cultural information..........203

Zenphira Guliyeva.
Types of knowledge in second language teaching........208

Faxhraddin Eylazov.
Place and role of translation art in intercultural relations….215

Gulara Suleymanova.
Competency levels of English teachers in teaching English in the early years..........221

Gariba Mammadova.
Stylistic pecularities of idioms in different system languages.......228

Mujgan Musayeva, Nuriye Alekberova.
Translation theory as a scientific discipline…233

Zhala Masimli.
Linguistic aspects of teaching lexical skills…….238

Fatima Ibrahimova.
The analysis of syllable in English………….244

Zulfiyye Kuseynova, Aygun Aldjanova.
Anthroponymous words in Azerbaijan and English languages lexico-semantic and morphological characteristics..........251

Aysel Hasanova.
Sociolinguistic conditions of functioning of the Welsh variant of English (Wenglish)……………257

Konul Godjaeva, Gonche Karimova.
Americanisms in the vocabulary of the English language and their lexico-semantic characteristics…..266

Gunay Abdullayeva.
The role of paremiology and its function in modern linguistics….271

Aynura Khanlarova.
Some aspects of the usage of phraseological transformation.....279

Fatma Agayeva.
The transformation of Speech Etiquette between languages in the era of Globalization…285

Hagigat Mehdiyeva.
By comparison, identifying and eliminating specific difficulties of linguistic facts……………291

Gular Sadigova.
Similarities and Differences in Dialogue Genres in Political Discourse in Azerbaijani and English……………………….298

Gulxani (Panah) Shukurova.
Azerbaijani review to Isa Habibbayli’s studies………304

Gulxani (Panah) Shukurova.
Creativity of Maragali Avhadi and Shams Tabrizi…..313

Novruz Bekirov.
Political communication – authority and the state characteristics of relationships………322

Yunus Guluzade.
The reasons that make active educational teaching of Mirza Alakbar Sabir's poems.....336

Basira Azizaliyeva.
Characteristics of topics and idea of Faiz Ahmed Faiz's poems......341

Khuraman Gadimova.
Nurullah Atac and subjective literary criticism in Turkey……….347

Sadagat Gasimova.
Heydar Aliyev's oratory skills……..354

Sabina Ibrahimli.
Prison life of Mammad Said Ordubadi……….359

Aytan Gahraman.
"The Image of the prophet Muhammad in the Western World: From philosophical thought to literary creation"…371

Vafa Allahverdiyeva.
Our eternal poet Muhammad Fuzulı..............383

Ayten Valizade.
About  the novel “Oyunum-oyunum”  by Nasir Manzuri…..389

Mahmudaga  Gasymov.
In Mikayil Mushfig’s lyrics, feelings of attachment to man, land, world and bright future…….396

Ayshan Rasulova.
Mir Jalal stories in Azerbaijani literary studies....401

Minara Gulueva.
M. P. Vagif’s predecessor, modern and successor ashugs............408

Naila Yusifova.
Muhammad Fuzuli's philosophy of life…….420

Sabuhi Badalov.
Tradition of Tazkira in Azerbaijan................428

Melahet Osmanova.
Sabir Ahmedli's novel “Togana” in the context of expressionism.....436

Al-Abbasi Noval Xeyri.
Studying the works of Austrian writers of the 20th century in Azerbaijan………..443

Afat Rafiyeva.
The topic of the Karabakh war in Azerbaijan prose of the Newest period…………449

Malahat Gadirova.
Ales Karlyukevich is the best propagandist Azerbaijani literature in Belorus……………..456

Gunay  Suleymanova.
British colonial literature of the XIX-XX centuries.....................463